Did you know that Facebook generates 8 billion video views daily? Or that 55% of humans watch videos online every single day (that includes 22 cat videos in the Ivory studio)!
With more consumers interacting with video than ever before, it’s not rocket science that video content is a powerful way to promote your brand and grow your business online.
We love a good checklist here at ID HQ. So here’s one we prepared earlier!
There’s something about watching a video that elicits emotions. The combination of moving image and music connects on a much deeper level than a still image, which leads to a greater affinity and connection to your brand…all without much energy from your target peeps. Make it easy and they will love you for it. Video makes it easy!
One of the best things about video is its share-ability. Once you’ve distilled your experience onto digital celluloid it is up and ready to be uploaded immediately. Quality content leaves a lasting impression, and is more likely to be shared and hit your market right between the eyes.3 | SHOW SOME ACTION BABY!
If a picture is worth a thousand words then video is worth a million. The power of the video rests in its nature to show instead of tell — evidence of your brand in action is much more powerful than telling people about it, leading to more brand authenticity. The more authentic you are, the more trust you generate. Which is what we are all looking for, right?
What’s the most interesting thing about successful brands? It’s how they do what they do. It’s what makes you unique, and where your value lies. Curating your processes into video can create a unique and intimate insight into the inner workings of your brand and its people. How you bring your ideas to reality is fascinating to your customer, and provides an insider’s view into your unique point of difference.
NB: We’re not equating your brand with The Bachelor, but the popularity of reality TV is hard evidence that many of us have a huge interest in what goes on behind the scenes! (Bachelor lovers, you need to check out “Unreal” pronto.)
Videos are an opportunity to showcase your most valuable (but often unseen) asset — your people. Relationships are a key part of building trust and empathy, and the faces behind your brand are crucial to building connections.
Think of all the places you’re looking at your phone. Through video you suddenly have access to peoples bed time rituals, loo breaks, red-eye flights, coffee dates, backyard barbeques and more. That’s right ALL the places. Phones are mobile for a reason and you can be right there too.
When you produce a thoughtfully crafted video, you are taking your viewers on a journey into your brand and bringing them along for the ride. Who doesn’t love a good yarn? Your video doesn’t need to have Tom Cruise-level action, just engaging and honest content.
Snapchat, Facebook and Insta-live show us that there is a huge audience for genuine content — a way to show your true and authentic self. Video can give a unique insight without being super slick and over-produced and let’s face it, who doesn’t love a bloopers reel?
We recently put together this fab video for our lovely clients Keg Services. We had a ball collaborating with local talent and although it’s not every shoot that finishes up in a brewery we can certainly guarantee an action-packed story arc. Video content is fun, great for your brand and we are here to make it easy for you.
Give us a hola if your brand is looking for some extra ompf in the market!
And check out our cat vid of the day here, we know it’s what you’ve all been waiting for ;D